ok the long awaited release is finally here!! :D remember to have fun with it and piss off as many as you can!
BZFlag 2.0.4 Jesus Edition SOURCEFeatures:
* pros:
- god mode
- drive on water, drive in moats ;)
- immune to genocide
* cons
- unable to turn it off. I haven't implemented turning on and off, yet.
- not immune to server kill messages, yet. An admin can still kill
you with /kill command. The Rogue Genocide Effect at badgerking is
actually server-side and not in the client. So, the server's kill
message will still kill you if you are a rogue and another rogues is hit
with genocide at badgerking. Also, the server kill messages that kill
you if you rejoin and try to spawn too quickly will also kill you (e.g.,
you must wait 30 seconds to spawn if you rejoin at viper). Simply
change a character in the callsign (e.g., like adding "!" to the end of
your callsign) to get around the rejoin time limit.
* bugs
- no self destruct